Online Project Management Course

This online project management course is a new version of the course introduction to project management. It is based on the concepts as I presented them in the chapter "Traditional PM".

(The previous version is still available until end of June. You find a link at the end of this page.)

Target Group

If you are looking for a quick entry into the project management basics this course will serve you well.

Learning Objectives

You will learn fundamentals and the basic concept of project management. In particular, you will

  • know the definitions of the most important terms,
  • understand the project life cycle and how project management can be seen as a process,
  • know and be able to build the core components of a project plan,
  • know and be able to apply project controlling in implementation phase,
  • know the main activities in closure phase.

Ideally, you use this online project management course in order to prepare for sub-sequent classroom training. I organized it into five lessons, five corresponding tests, and a final test. It takes you approximately five hours to go through the whole course, including all the tests, depending on how often you get interrupted.

Here is the course map of the web-based version (WBT):

Lesson 1 (opens in a new tab or window)

Basic Definitions
The Triple Constraint of PM
The Project Life Cycle - Overview
The Project Life Cycle - Summary
Project Management As a Process
Project Life Cycle and Project Budget
Test 1

Lesson 2

Project Stakeholders
Test 2

Lesson 3

Project Scope
Effort Estimation
Project Schedule - Network Diagram
Project Schedule - Gantt Diagram
Project Schedule - Milestone Plan
Schedule Calculations - Intro
Forward and Backward Pass
Total Float and Free Float
Critical Path
Project Budget and Cost
Risk - Identification
Risk - Analysis
Risk - Management
Test 3

Lesson 4

The Control Cycle
Controlling Tools
Change Control
Test 4

Lesson 5

Closure Phase
Lessons Learned
Test 5

Final Test

The following button will open a new browser-tab or -window in which you can go through the course:

Most of us prefer to go through such courses off-line in order to be independent from an internet connection. Therefore, we created a computer based training (CBT) and an e-book covering the same content and following the same structure.

CBT: Intro to PMBenefits of the CBT: It is easy to install, you are independent of the internet, and you can run the course anywhere and anytime. Its layout is similar to the on-line version and it comes with convenient navigation through a separate table of contents. Click here for more info, or

e-book: Intro to PMBenefits of the e-book: it has an index and it comes together with an answer key for all tests. E-book and answer key are both in pdf-format. Click here for more info, or

Here is the link to the old version: Lesson 1

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